On the Lower Danube between the Black Sea and the Riverĭniester (Nistru) in the east, the borders (1939) of PolandĪnd Czechoslovakia in the north, and the plain of the River Rumanian is a Latin (Romance) language spoken by someįifteen million Rumanians inhabiting the territory situated The country is Romania (without stress on i). However, after 1964 the official spelling of the name of pamint, sfint (ii) To use the hyphen instead of theĪpostrophe when a vowel is dropped (see I. (i) To use only the letter i (instead of a and i, see I. Since this book was last printed two typographical innov-Ītions have been introduced in the Rumanian writing : Personal Pronoun of the 1st and 2nd Person Singularġ8. Vocative of Masculine Nouns ending in Consonants. TJse of the Preposition ps in Accusative. The Demonstrative Pronoun (a) lui and lui in Genitiveġ. Function of the Genitive and Dative Casesģ, Genitive with the Preposition de. The Article replaced by the Demonstrative Pronoun. Construction of tot (every) and amandoi (both). Abstract Nouns from Adjectives and Nouns. Masculine Singular with Definite Article. Lowe and Brydone (Printers) Limited, London, N.W.10ġ. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 46 - 1370 Inc., 180 Varick Street, New York 14, N.Y. UMA GRAMATICA COMPLETA DA LINGUA ROMENA COM EXERCICIOS ANTOLOGIA E EXERCICIOS"īroadway House, 68-74 Garter Lane, London, E.C.4 A LARGE AUTHORITATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE RUMANIAN LANGUAGE. Full text of " COLLOQUIAL RUMANIAN BY GRIGORE NANDRIS.