Field of Fire by Zoe Saadia
Field of Fire by Zoe Saadia

Field of Fire by Zoe Saadia

Neither of the youths, not even the restless, resourceful Necalli, anticipated the trouble they would became embroidered at, forced to fight for their lives at times, face difficult dilemmas. However, the politics involved in the brewing conflict between the two cities were deep, the rulers’ games ruthless, stalks high. He greeted it eagerly, impressed with the Emperor’s brilliance and acumen. The mission of sneaking to Tlatelolco again, this time semi-officially, looked tempting, promising, offering opportunities to find that Palace’s girl. In the meanwhile, Miztli, thrown in the strange surroundings of the noble boys’ school and out of his depth on more counts than he could deal with, found that the Emperor was a subtle man of many ideas, not above using spies even if those were villagers of most humble origins. She takes us on a journey back in time where the set of laws is very different to our day and age. He had promised to find her, but she was eager to help him keep his promise. Zoe Saadia has created an amazing world in Field of Fire.

Field of Fire by Zoe Saadia

The chance of learning about the mysterious boy from the Plaza and his whereabouts was well worth it. Even if to do that, she had to to slip out of windows or run around the Palace’s gardens barefoot like commoner slaves. Able to think of nothing else besides her adventures on the day of the competition and not deterred by the trouble it got her into, Tlemilli went about eavesdropping on her father and his political machinations with little hesitation.

Field of Fire by Zoe Saadia