I also still just liked Matthew himself and found myself cracking up at his dialogue and thoughts, especially since I think I would’ve felt the same in his situation. That being said, it still had plenty of action and fighting and gore and awful situations, so don’t go into this expecting something cute.Īnd of course the book also had lots of sexy times because how could it not with so many vampire and incubus characters? I actually liked these sex scenes better than those in the first book because they had a little more emotional connection and weren’t all slave/master-y. If anything, I might’ve enjoyed it more because it had more touching character dynamics. And though this book took an unexpected turn at the beginning *SPOILER ALERT (it happens within the first 15%, but it wasn’t in the blurb)* (Matthew accidentally sired his own vampire child) *END SPOILER ALERT*, I certainly didn’t enjoy it any less. This book was kind of different from the first because, whereas the first book was all sex and violence and torture and not knowing who to trust, this one was kind of quirky and funny and focused more on Matthew’s newly acquired ragtag band of misfits/strange little family. Quotes used in this review were from an ARC and may be different in the final book.* He blinked with disbelief and, when he was sure what he was seeing was real, he stopped breathing as fear rose in him.*I received an ecopy of this book from the author. The smell of night and earth hit Matthew a fraction of a second before he saw who stood there. The doors to the elevator dinged and slid open. She glanced down the hall at the elevator again. Please save me.” Panic rose in her voice. I’m sorry I’m weak and I’m changing things. It struck Matthew that he wasn’t the reason fear was pumping through her. If he gets a hold of me, I’ll be used like the others.” The elevator was coming up to this floor. Samantha stretched her neck and looked down the hall towards the elevator as much as she could without actually crossing the threshold of her door. Why don’t you invite me in and we’ll talk about it?” “I don’t make agreements before I know all the details. “Do you know what I am, human?” Matthew asked her, amused. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Sam, but I’m not taking you with me.” Matthew laughed at the plain looking girl. You are going to save me and I’m going to save you.” She also carried a stuffed duffle bag in her still trembling hand. This is what she should have been wearing before, not that dress. When she opened the door again, she wore pants along with a heavy coat, scarf, beanie, and gloves. He listened as she moved around her small apartment. And, she had sought him out there must be something she wanted from him. He could have stopped her from going into her apartment, but he didn’t want to frighten her even more. Matthew crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.